Street Art London staged a large scale street art festival in May. The following artists were brought together in Chichester by Street Art London: Christiaan Nagel, Cityzen Kane, Dscreet, Hitnes, Liqen, NUNCA, Phlegm, ROA, RUN, Thierry Noir and The Rolling People. This is what we got up to.
Christiaan Nagel:
Cityzen Kane:
Phlegm + RUN:
Thierry Noir:
The Rolling People:
Street Art London Van:
Awesome!! Art!
Would you have a location map of the artwork in Chichister. I am a mexican tourist , traveling in the uk.
In the last few years I,ve taken a personal task of recording with photos as much street art as I can.
Yours truly
Dr. David Resnikoff
I am a student at Chichester University and I am studying media production. I am currently doing a documentary course and have chosen the subject ‘Hidden art in Chichester’. I was wondering if there is anyway you would be able to advise in who I would be able to speak to about it?
Josie Churchill
I am writing from Istanbul Turkey.
Thıs organization really fantastic:))
Can you send me some infomation for 2014.
Again May? What are the dates? Etc..
I want to plan my May calendar.
Bonjour, tout d’abord j’aime beaucoup votre site.
je viens de voir qu’il y a un festival sur l’art de la rue en mai, pourriez-vous me communiquer les dates pour cette année 2014 ?
est-ce que ce festival est toujours au mois de mai?
merci d’avance
Hello, first of all I like very much your site.
I have just seen that there is a festival on the street entertainment in May, could you communicate with me dates for this year of 2014?
Is this festival always in May?
Thank you in advance