Category Archives: London Street Artists

Eine is best known for the vibrant typographical letters that have popped up all over East London over the past half of the decade. These letters can appear on their own on shop shutters or can spell whole words across … Continue reading

Stik has been creating Stik people around London for over ten years and anyone who has wandered around Shoreditch recently will have been greated by Stik’s supersize, bright street art adorning shop shutters and walls. Stik people initally began to … Continue reading

David Walker
Most people’s first job involved burgers and fries. David walker’s first job was creating t-shirt designs for The Prodigy. After that, he started designing record sleeves and party art before running his own street wear label called “Subsurface” for five … Continue reading

Isaac Cordal
Tiny cement figurines have begun appearing on the streets of London. The street artist responsible is Isaac Cordal, who originally hails from Spain but is currently based in London. The project is termed ‘Cement Eclipses’ and deals with such themes … Continue reading

Xylo’s work is politically charged and represents a stark commentry on the nature of modern sociert. Policitcal themese thus far represented in Xylo’s art include the poverty & misery created by western capitalism in the developing world, mass species extinction … Continue reading

Ronzo arrived in London from Germany back in 2000. The artist is well known for his monsters which may be seen on the streets of Shoreditch. Ronzo’s street art is based on a future vision of a future post-apocalyptic London. … Continue reading

Christiaan Nagel
Those of you with eagle eyes may have noticed the multicoloured mushrooms sprouting up around London. The street artist behind these creations is Christiaan Nagel. Christiaan, originally hails from Durban, South Africa, but is now based in London. Nagel’s mushrooms … Continue reading

Otto Schade
Otto Schade is a Chilean street artist who is currently based in London. His street art is abstract and multi layered with incredible detail and depth. When and where did you create your first piece of street art and what … Continue reading